By 🎹 Eugene Kim

We do this because we have a strong conviction that the key attributes of our protocol and implementation are driven not just by key components but the entire vertical stack of technologies that integrate together to enable the key deliverable at different levels. If any technology layer leaves much to be desired, the overall result suffers from that. Moreover, the lower level a suboptimal component resides, the wider its blast radius is, the greater its setback becomes, and the more difficult it is to work around or mask the failure.

At Harmony, we don’t just look at what is needed to get the job done today — we want to build something that will get the job done even years from now. This goes for all layers of our technology stack, not just the higher layers closer to our key deliverables—such as smart contracts and consensus—but also lower-level, “mundane” areas such as systems and networking that others tend to take for granted.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1390810648624304130|twgr^|twcon^s2_&

In this post, we are going to talk about one such low-level but critical component: Networking. We will try to keep things simple and more approachable, so if you are already a seasoned networking expert, please bear with our networking-101-style explanations.

These are our current best approaches, but as with any bleeding-edge technological front, what we end up releasing or deploying in production may significantly differ from what we are about to discuss here.

End-to-end Communication Preferred

Harmony is built upon the end-to-end principle, which recommends that as much of the key logic of an application protocol as possible be pushed toward the end nodes that talk to one another. Nodes are self-contained and do not use middleboxes to communicate messages to other nodes, except in a few cases. Specifically, a node does not send a unicast message to another node over a multi-hop path on an overlay network of other nodes.

Why? Because we assume that nodes may be corrupt with a relatively high probability: In the blockchain space, we routinely talk about as few as 67% or even 50% of nodes being honest! Let’s call this probability p. Then if a message gets sent to another node h hops away, the overall probability the unicast message reaching an honest recipient p^h. For one-hop, direct end-to-end transmission, the probability of a node reaching the honest node is 67% or 50%; for two hops, 44% or 25%; for three hops; 30% or 12.5%. The probability diminishes exponentially!

Unicast messaging over multi-hop P2P overlay with adversaries

The exceptions to this principle include:

HIPv2: Id/Loc, Discovery, Mobility, Multi-homing, NAT Traversal

Under the end-to-end model, one major problem needs to be solved: If node A needs to talk directly to another node B without having a default go-to node, how can A discover B and find out where B lives? Let’s examine this problem deeper and see how we solve it.